however if you were doing something like 3x5 with the same weight where the last set/ last rep was near or 2 failure. Unfortunately, most people like to train 3-4 times/week, even during the busy times and when they travel. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the bodybuilding community. Working legs three times a week - yay or nay? If you’re working at lower intensity or lower volume, train legs twice per week. Stronger lifters may struggle with recoverability from training legs 3 times per week. I wouldn't recommend going for 6 days a week straight from 3 either. This requires greater frequency, and since the volume … Yea. Because of that, I’ve been using a community gym at home which doesn’t have a squat rack, just dumbbells up to 100 and a cable machine and leg press machine. I think 6 might be a little much. Instead, work your biceps with only 3 … I follow the full body 5/3/1 routine, which involves squatting 3x per week and deadlifting 1x. Hi everyone, So I recently hurt my left arm while following Berkhans RPT/leangains program, which consists of three days of back, chest and legs. Often. Day Three - Legs. Having some trouble with back pains, perhaps a muscle knot (?) Standard mon-wed-fri works best for me. I split them up as follows. Leg Presses: 3 sets: 12-15 reps: Leg Curls: 3 sets: 12-15 reps: Incline Bench Presses: 3 sets: 10-12 reps: Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets: 10-12 reps: Front Military Presses: 3 sets: 12-15 reps: Lying Triceps Extensions: 3 sets: 10-12 reps: Standing Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets: 10-12 reps: Standing Calf Raises: 3 … I do legs twice a week. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. Close. I do mine in 2 circuits with 5 moves each circuits (2 upper, 2 lower, 1 abs). How long are your workouts? For strength-focused lifters, three times a week works best. It can get brutal to get yourself pumped up to go hit legs after doing it so often, but for me, it really helped me change my mentality and enjoy leg day more. Press J to jump to the feed. rep range was usually 5-8 and occasioanlly 10-20 reps depending on the season. Do you do a M-W-F split? You teach your body to activate and utilize more muscle fibers, rather than realizing physical gains in fiber size and strength. Would you date this 82-year-old Tinder gran who has sex three times a week and is BOMBARDED with offers from men under-35? Do any of you have experience with working legs three days a week? I do 3 FB workouts a week, and I don't think I could do 4-5! This allowed me to hit one big lower body lift daily (front squat, deadlift, back squat), while simultaneously doing a bunch of smaller accessory lifts to get my size and strength back up to snuff. Training legs 3 times per week: Food, Training & Supplements. l could not lift my PR attempt of a 265lb dead could not even do 255 lol. Although difficult to nail down causation from these short term studies, many researchers suggest this has something to do with the mTOR … Hattie Retroage, from New York, says men her age can't please her in bed. I’ve been doing 5/3/1 beginners for a couple of cycles with 3-4 working days per week and two squat days for every one non-squat day, and had this issue just recently. I currently follow All Pro's (3x8-12) and when I presented the plan to the gym owner (former powerlifter and educated in these things) he said that squatting 3 times a week is nonsense, even with the weight % drop the All Pro's got. Progress pics. #instagram @ JessicaTenelle Fitness / workout / fitmoms If you are serious about building muscle, developing functional strength, and reducing the risk of injury, then you need to work on your legs. Most times, these gyms are hard to find and you may have to travel a lot to get there. i bench-deadlift--abs 3x a week (im doing the fighter pullup program also which is 6x a week chinups for me ) (soon switching dead to 2x and squat 1x a week ) i make sure to hit my back as i bench so much though. It's difficult to train more than 3-4 times per week without knowledge and self-awareness for auto-regulation. on Tuesdays and Saturdays I wanted to do intense heavy weighted workouts, like squatting and lunging with weights (smith machine) and leg presses. when i train legs, it takes like 5 days to fully recover.. i got really intense, but still, i make a point to do them once a week, and i up the resistance on the eliptical to 10.. thats more than enough legs for this girl! if your leg workout consisted of 10 sets totoal and you were taking all them to failure. Nothing big, just the usual 2.5 kg gain per week etc. , so I've decided to go legs three times a week. Is this a good or bad idea? 20 comments. Quads and then glutes/hams. Vuch. I go to the gym 2-3 times per week and do hip thrusts each time as well as a quad or ham exercise (squats, lunges) and (deadlift, leg extension, hamstrung machine) Would continuing with Strong Curves be optimal considering that the program involves hip thrusts and other lower body workouts 3 to 5 times per week? Why not try it out and see how you feel about it. Training legs more than once a week; Newsflash: If you really want to grow, you need to train legs at least twice a week. Also, smaller "show" muscles are likely neglected, which is tough on the closet bodybuilder psyche. I do push/legs/pull/legs and repeat. otherwise its this 3 times a week: squat 10x4 @315 leg press 10x4 @615 calf raises 20x4 weight varies. Posted on 24/01/2020 last updated 08/06/2020. It would be counterproductive to have leg day 3 times a week if your primary goal is to slim down. People trying to lean down or women who want to balance their physiques may add another leg-focused day to their routine, but any more than two leg days per week is pretty unusual. Thanks. I don't think it's a great idea to work anything more than twice a week. 3 Days of Fun. So I am currently waiting to start a new job in February while being back home, so I don’t have a commercial gym membership right now. Technically you could do legs every day, but you wouldn't be able to lift as much because you wouldn't heal properly. Training Three Times Per Week: If you are currently working your biceps once a week for 9 sets and want to instead work them three times a week for extra stimulation, do not perform 3 weekly workouts of 9 sets each (a total of 27 sets). Posted by 7 years ago. You'll be training three days per week. Thanks. I've been doing it for a year and I've made great gains doing so. i never get doms, i also run and play sports during the week. Fitness subreddit for information and discussion for people looking to put on weight, muscle, and strength. A big upper body paired with anemic leg development is about the most ridiculous sight since suspenders with shorts, but if that still isn't enough to get you in the squat rack, then consider the following perks to leg training: 1. I’ve been currently doing a PHUL system with 90-100 lb dumbbell split squats as my “power” days at 3-5 reps on Mondays and then 65-75 lb split squats as my “hypertrophy” days at 8-10 reps on Thursday. 28.8k Likes, 1,452 Comments - Pearl Garavaglia (@ms_pearl__) on Instagram: “The most asked questions about my BULKING SEASON. Leg Day. I like it a lot. I'm going to be honest, your programming is pants-on-head retarded. This way you only have to commit to going to these gyms twice a week, get a good workout in and not screw up your training cycle. Archived. One of the primary reasons the volume is kept intentionally low per muscle group is that the primary adaptations made by beginners come via the nervous system. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whereas if you did a full body 3x a week, you'd get 36 workouts for each and probably see more results. Is this a good or bad idea? today was a bad day for my lifts sadly. I’m definitely going to start doing legs 3x per week then. I’ve been doing dumbbell Bulgarian split squats as my main leg lift and supplementing with cable bar squats, dumbbell Romanian deadlifts, leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls. Nice. I want to do them on Tuesdays, Thrursdays and Saturdays. Having some trouble with back pains, perhaps a muscle knot (?) So I am currently waiting to start a new job in February while being back home, so I don’t have a commercial gym membership right now. You can't go all out all three days. On one of the back days, I felt a sharp pain on my bicep down my forearm to my pinky, and now I can't grip/lift anything over 40lbs without feeling the pain. If I get the right amount of rest and food in, it should be no problem, right? Nothing big, just the usual 2.5 kg gain per week etc. In other words, maximum return for your training dollar. VMO (inner quad) work - one whole day (sat), outer quad sweep - one whole day (sun), hamstrings - one whole day (tues), I never considered doing a quad and hamstring split that’s interesting. For those wanting to improve body composition quickly, six days a week will get the job done. Research has shown that the sweet spot for maximizing hypertrophy (muscular growth) involves training each muscle group at least twice per week 1. Legs three days a week? 2 days a week of recovery from lifting is probably a good thing, especially for nattys. I was thinking of incorporating legs M, W, F, but don’t know how to split the intensity. To make it happen, I created a three-day per week leg specialization program. 0. Lots of people do squat everyday which is hard for the first week or so but becomes great after and it eventually leads to massive legs and your legs almost never being sore from squatting, I'm a sprinter, I've done workouts consisting of squat, deadlift, and lots of single leg accessories in a single session 3x a week. I am now going to take you through … I like to have the weekends off. I feel like the lack of tension on my back brought on by the weight of squats has me recovering more quickly. Example: Circuit 1: DB sumo squat, standing military press, Front lunges, Upright Row, Leg lifts/flutter kicks - repeat that circuit 3 times; on to cicruit 2. If you're not sacrificing form, do it. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Working legs three times a week - yay or nay? Working them more than 3 times per week is pushing it though, so do not over train and keep working them out about 1-2 times a week. Anecdotally, I recently started doing this and I've seen good results. Heavy bench presses and weighted pullups are in and cable crossovers and concentration curls are out! 3-5 sets, I work legs 3 x week. Whatever ends up on Wednesday of a particular week only gets hit one time that week, everything else 2. I appreciate any insight! Because of that, I’ve been using a community gym at home which doesn’t have a squat rack, just dumbbells up to 100 and a cable machine and leg press machine. For guys looking to build mass, four times a week is money. Press J to jump to the feed. I usally do my 1rm once a wekk too, it sits at 425 right now. I want to build bulky legs and a nice round butt so I was thinking about doing legs 3 times a week instead of doing them 2. you would never recover from 3 sessions a week. The push pull legs routine can be split over 3, 4, 5, or 6 days a week. absolutely horrendous but worked wonders for my leg size and strength. Ashley Hoffmann's program, though, is anything but usual. To see enhanced results in her lower body, Hoffmann hits her strong, sculpted legs 2-3 times per week. 04-11-2010, 08:19 AM #15. I've noticed my body tends to respond better to high volume. ok cool thanks man! Then, on the second day, go a little lighter on the weights (8-12 reps per set) to focus on hypertrophy of those quads, glutes, and hammies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I do full body 3x a week, and it's totally fine. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So it's perfectly fine, provided you let your body rest a day between each workout. View Profile you can hit that 3 times a week … You've only worked out your shoulders/back 12 times, your legs 12 times, and your arms 12 times. Working legs 3 times per week? Test your grip strength to gauge your stress levels. It’s my off season from rugby, which means one thing, GAINZ. The overriding point is this: If you train the four "big" patterns three times a week each, you'll be stimulating a lot of muscular territory, with the fewest possible number of exercises, with minimal redundancy. I squat - dead - squat 3 times a week and it's not an issue. Training every major muscle group in a single workout is usually the domain of beginners, most often characterized by a single exercise per body part for just a few sets. Front and back, with calf raises each day. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue Shouldn’t the effects of overtraining, such as tendinosis of the patellar tendon, be considered for 3x+ squat training per week, especially if every day? Care to elaborate? That's 12 weeks, 36 workouts total. Related: Guaranteed Muscle Mass Related: The 8 Most Effective Training Splits , so I've decided to go legs three times a week. Back or Front Squats or Leg Press - 4 sets x 6 - 10 reps Lunges, Split Squat, or Step-Ups - 4 sets x 6 - 10 reps Calf Raises - 3 sets x 6 - 10 reps Exercise Selection: Use only the compound, multi-joint movements described above. How many times I eat, what do I eat , how and…” Here's the program. for example. The two most common frequencies are the 3 and 6-day splits, and the two I generally go between myself, depending on where I’m at with my training. As long as your getting at least 48 hours of rest in between leg days, to facilitate full recovery. Cookies help us deliver our Services. For the first leg day of the week, go HEAVY with the weights (3-5 reps per set) to build your strength. Let's say you've worked out 3 times a week for exactly 3 months. Squat 3-4 sets x 5-8 reps Leg Press 3-4 sets x 8-12 reps Romanian Deadlift 3-4 sets x 8-12 reps Lying Leg Curl 3-4 sets x 12-15 reps Standing Calf Raise 3-4 sets x 12-15 reps. You can throw in some ab work every other workout, so you end up hitting the abs 2-3 times per week. If your goal is to build the most muscle in the least time (in other words, you are a bodybuilder) and get ripped, the 5-day workout routine is optimal. Squatting 3 times a week. Throughout m y 15 years of weightlifting, I’ve found one workout routine to dominate—the 5-day split. Mar 30, 2014 - Training legs 3 times a week. Do legs every day, but you would n't be able to lift as much because you would n't going. - training legs 3 times per week and deadlifting 1x i squat - dead - squat times... You feel about it, 2 lower, 1 abs ) them to failure realizing physical gains fiber! As your getting at least 48 hours of rest in between leg,... That week, and it 's not an issue gains doing so of tension on my back brought on the! Stronger lifters may struggle with recoverability from training legs 3 times a week on the season,... 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